Time Tracker - Typescript, React
Image of time tracker app

A project I worked on to familiarize myself with React. I have a need to track my time for contracting work which gave me the idea.

Missing Card Finder - Rust
Example output

A project I worked on to iterate over my decklists and my collection file and output a list of cards I need to finish my decks.

It parses and loads a collection file into a hash map. Then loops over the cards in each deck file and compares to a running count of what's left in the collection. There is a configuration file to prioritize decks, formats and mark decks as foil only.

The final output is a formatted text file with my list.

Digital Cookbook - Typescript, Vue, Rust
Image of digital cookbook app

I've never liked having to rifle through loose paper to find a recipe, this is my attempt to digitize them.

The API is written in Rust, which I chose to further my learning in the language. Vue is my favorite frontend framework so I chose that for the frontend to further my mastery.

Recipe information is stored in a Postgres database in a docker image.

TUI Game of Life - Rust
Game of life TUI

I wanted to build a TUI and had a recent interest in Conway's Game of Life.

Game of Life runs as a TUI and just plays a blinker pattern.

Game of Life - Rust, WASM
Game of life

Using Rust and Leptos to build a simple Game of Life implementation for the web.